
Dorothea Marie Ludwig-Wang is a Catholic theologian, philosopher, musician, and musicologist specializing in moral theology, ecclesiology, and late eighteenth-century Viennese music. Her current research projects include the theology and canonical history of the lay consecrated state, the role of ecclesiastical discipline in the current crisis in the Church, and the life and works of the composer Franz Xaver Süssmayr (1766-1803).

Disclaimer: This website represents the personal views of Dorothea Ludwig-Wang and is not necessarily representative of those of other individuals, groups, or institutions with whom she might be associated. She strives to present her opinions according to the norm of canon 212 §3, leaving final judgment to the competent authority. Please double-check before clicking any external links and do your own research if necessary, given that the longevity and continued accuracy of web sources generally cannot be guaranteed.

Theological Works

To minimize eyestrain and prevent excessive reliance on technology, the webmaster has elected to make documents viewable as PDFs. Please click on the hyperlink for each document you wish to view. You may view the PDF in the browser, download it to your computer, or print it out.


1. On the Crisis in the Church – 22 Apr 2018

2. Canon 1184 and the Internal Forum, Part I – 31 May 2018

3. Canon 1184 and the Internal Forum, Part II – 10 Jun 2018

4. The Fate of Unbaptized Infants – 23 Feb 2019

5. The Fundamentals of Canon 915 – 10 Mar 2019

6. A Catholic Counterargument to Atonality – 7 Apr 2019

7. The Insufficiency of the Hermeneutic of Continuity – 15 Jul 2019

8. The Exclusion of Children and Defective Consent – 24 Oct 2019

9. Theological Precision and Charity – 5 Dec 2019

10. A Short Refutation of Sedevacantism – 23 Jul 2020

11. Usury and the Morality of Simple Interest – 12 Aug 2021

12. Whether Mohammedans Adore the True God – 7 Dec 2021

13. Toward a Proper Understanding of Headship in Marriage – 22 May 2022

14. The Bride of Christ and the Mystical Stigmata – 24 Jun 2022

15. The Liturgical Novelty of Female Doctors of the Church – 1 Aug 2022

16. Collegiality and the Canonical Situation of the SSPX – 5 Sept 2022

17. Cremation in the 1983 Code of Canon Law – 20 Oct 2022

18. Beauty, Poverty, and the Salvation of Souls – 21 Jan 2023

19. Marriage Validity and the Rejection of Indissolubility – 15 Feb 2023

20. Smells and Bells do not Suffice – 9 Apr 2023

Encyclical Summaries

1. Summary of E Supremi (Pius X) – 1 Feb 2023

2. Summary of Divini Illius Magistri (Pius XI) – 2 Feb 2023

Q&A Column

1. Q&A: Canon Law and Traveling – 7 Aug 2018

2. Q&A: The Sunday Obligation and the Novus Ordo Missae – 27 Dec 2018

3. Q&A: Yearly Confession – 23 Dec 2019

4. Q&A: The Minister of the Sacrament of Matrimony – 4 Dec 2021

5. Q&A: A Failed Case Study on Amoris Laetitia – 19 Feb 2022

6. Q&A: The Validity of Confirmations Performed by Schismatic Priests – 2 Aug 2022

7. Q&A: Does the SSPX Promote Donatism? – 22 Oct 2022

8. Q&A: Did Adam and Eve have Natural Needs? – 15 Mar 2023


1. Canon 844 in Light of Canonical Tradition – 27 Oct 2020

2. A Thomist Critiques St. Thomas’ Philosophy of Woman – 30 Jul 2022

3. The SSPX: A True Response to the Abuse of Authority – 28 Nov 2023

Musical Works

To minimize eyestrain and prevent excessive reliance on technology, the webmaster has elected to make documents viewable as PDFs. Please click on the hyperlink for each document you wish to view. You may view the PDF in the browser, download it to your computer, or print it out.


1. Süssmayr: Ave Verum Corpus – 20 Oct 2022

2. Traditional: Cor, arca legem continens (a 4) – 1 Jun 2023

3. Traditional: Cor, arca legem continens (a 2) – 2 Jun 2023

4. Süssmayr: Ave Maria – 5 Jan 2024

5. Traditional: Hail, Queen of Heaven – 5 May 2024


1. Adoramus te, Christe – 14 Apr 2017

2. Hope is the Thing with Feathers – 23 Feb 2018

3. Minuet in E – 31 Mar 2018

4. Fugue in G – 12 Oct 2018

5. Regina caeli – 20 Oct 2018

6. Ricercar a 4 – 20 Jan 2019

7. Ave Maria – 4 Oct 2020

8. Cor, arca legem continens – 21 Jan 2021

9. O gloriosa Virginum – 21 Jan 2021

10. String Quartet in Eb – 1 Mar 2021

11. Haec dies (a 3) – 17 Apr 2021

12. Haec dies (a 4) – 25 Apr 2021

13. Tristis est anima mea – 27 Apr 2022

14. Christus factus est – 1 Nov 2022

15. Missa Nativitatis Domini – 1 Jan 2023

16. Minuet in A minor – 25 Jan 2023

17. Minuet in F – 25 Jan 2023

18. Minuet in G – 26 Jan 2023

19. Violin Piece in G minor – 17 Feb 2023

20. Regina caeli (a 3) – 21 Apr 2023

21. Regina caeli (a 4) – 7 May 2023

22. Impromptu in Bb minor – 10 Nov 2023

23. Conditor alme siderum – 10 Dec 2023

24. Ecce nomen Domini Emmanuel – 18 Dec 2023

25. In manus tuas Domine – 24 Apr 2024

26. Salva nos, Domine – 12 May 2024


1. Süssmayr: Missa Solemnis in D – 25 Dec 2022